Sunday, 1 December 2019

Epigenetics: Methylation analysis by Pyrosequencing in PD

Due to DNA methylation, and its implication in a diverse range of pathologies, there was a study which analyzed whether the five genes responsible for the familial forms of PD could be related to its pathogenesis by having differential DNA methylation patterns. The methylation analysis was carried out by pyrosequencing. Overall, no major differences were observed, although for a few positions, the level of methylation of specific CpG dinucleotides differed significantly between cases and controls. Nevertheless, these changes stem from a very low level of methylation, i.e., small variations in the methylation level could have a large numerical impact (1).

1. Navarro-Sánchez L, Águeda-Gómez B, Aparicio S, Pérez-Tur J. Epigenetic Study in Parkinson’s Disease: A Pilot Analysis of DNA Methylation in Candidate Genes in Brain. Cells. 2018;7(10):150.

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1 comment:

  1. La entrada de PCR no sigue el esquema indicado y la referencia no corresponde al tema, la entrada del 1 dic sin ref bibliog 4/5
